Tuesday 22 October 2013


What a night to hold a Barn dance! Lashing rain , gusty gale force wind and competition from Comic relief on the TV! However, after a slow start (why is it no one wants to be the first to arrive?) we had a really good time . The band "Saxon Drain" were first rate and the "caller" gave such clear instructions everyone felt able to join in (the youngest was 8yrs and the oldest was 86yrs!)
With pizzas and pop (or something a bit stronger for those who wanted ) and lovely chocs to keep our energy levels topped up we skipped, promenaded and dozy doed our way through the evening. Many thanks to all who came and helped to make it a successful fundraising event. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Team 2013! Finally had a chance to catch up with your journey and have loved reading your blog. Good luck with the rest of your week and I am sure you will all find it fulfilling in lots of ways. We survived the storm in Brighton by the way! Love
    Janaki x
